Prop Up Your Practice

While the use of props is not necessary in yoga they can really transform your experience on your mat. I enjoy teaching in well equipped studios because having access to a variety of props within my teaching can offer a dynamic experience for students. Props can take an ordinary practice to the next level by providing support, assisting in the case of injuries and approaching postures from a different angle. This is why I decided to invest in a few props for my home practice and teaching. I’m going to share some of the props I think are a worthwhile investment and can make a huge impact on how you approach yoga. Props aren’t just for assistance they can also add an additional challenge to your routine. I’ll also include some hacks with things you can find in your home if you’re not quite ready to invest. As you begin to progress in your practice you’ll notice which items will be most beneficial to use. While I’ll link certain products that I recommend, a lot of these items can be found on discount at stores like Marshalls or TJ Maxx. If you are interested in trying any restorative yoga classes at home I can’t recommend more investing in some of these props. Restorative yoga is really about settling into the body and finding a space to be really comfortable so the more props the better. One more thing to consider when purchasing props in sustainability and materials. It’s always important to think about the effect your purchases have on the environment so whenever you can try to purchase products that are made from environmentally friendly and organic to support your health, do it. These items often have a heftier price tag but are worth the investment in the long run, think about price per use vs. sticker shock of an outright purchase.


Blocks or bricks are great to have for those who are just getting into their practice and need support for certain postures or to assist with balance. Having two blocks can really add variety to your practice by essentially doubling the amount of postures available to you. Blocks can also be used as weights throughout your practice, usually the styrofoam type blocks are very lightweight, but can still be challenging for use in certain postures. If you invest in a more sustainable option like cork just know they tend to be much heavier, but can offer a great challenge. A home hack for blocks are books (if you can find two in comparable size). If you’re just looking for something for something to provide weight you can use canned goods, however books and cans can be a little unstable depending on how their used in your practice so I definitely recommend just going all the way with purchasing some blocks. Depending on where you’re shopping they aren’t usually too expensive and can be found at a store near you.

This is probably one of the easiest props to obtain because you most likely already have an extra laying around home or a beach towel that you could use in its place. Blankets will help provide cushion to seated positions or postures on your knees if they happen to be sensitive. I always keep a blanket close by no matter what type of practice I’m doing to ensure that my knees will always be supported. Blankets are also good to provide additional weight or can be used as a pillow and of course to keep you warm during meditation. While the practice of yoga and holding certain postures is supposed to be challenging, it should never be painful. I recommend having at least one blanket for use, but if you practice restorative or yin type of yoga two blankets or one blanket and towel is helpful for your practice. I recommend using whatever you have at home, but if you’re looking to invest in a blanket Mexican blankets are usually a popular choice in studios, I always think it’s nice to invest in something organic or that has a smaller eco footprint if possible.


I love using straps in stretch classes. They provide a much wider range of motion for stretching and allow you to take it easy or kick it up a notch. If you have really tight and sore muscles a strap is going to provide support to increase your flexibility. If you want to hold off on investing in a strap or would prefer to o use something from home a long scarf or a robe belt will work perfectly.

This prop is something that fairly readily available to us all. When moving into a new space i made sure that I had blank wall space that I could dedicate to the use of my yoga practice. Walls provide great support in your practice and can be used as pictured above to prop the legs and feet against for great hamstring and hip opening, but can also be used when you’re looking to advance your practice with inversions. Walls are a great prop to assist you in hand and arm balances and can make you feel more comfortable and confident in your ability to strengthen the body without fear of hurting yourself. Knowing I could rely on a wall to support my handstands and forearm balances is what gave me the strength and confidence to start moving away from the wall and practice freestanding.

I love restorative, yin and nidra yoga. They always leave me feeling rested, cozy and like room temperature butter 🤤. I was doing some restorative practice at home, but did not yet have a bolster. While you can use a back couch cushion as a home hack, I wasn’t super comfortable with this option and didn’t get the support from trying to create a makeshift one with blocks and blankets, so I made the investment into a bolster and I’m so glad I did. Now if restorative yoga isn’t your thing, then maybe it’s not worth the investment for you, however I recommend restorative yoga for anyone doing at home practice and the game changed for me as soon as I added a bolster to my practice. This prop is amazing at providing comfort and support for laying postures and really allows you to surrender into your practice. I purchased this organic and eco-friendly option from Amazon and it came fairly quickly.


Yoga Wheel
If you want to accelerate your practice a yoga wheel is a worth while investment. You can find these easy online or in stores like TjMaxx and Marshalls in their sports equipment section. Yoga wheels can assist with increasing your flexibility for back bends, but is also great for strengthening the shoulders and providing much needed support when beginning headstands and shoulder stands. I also love using this prop for a good ab workouts. Balancing the feet on the wheel and piking up the hips while on your hands is a great way to build strength for hand stands.


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