5 Mudras For Wellness

Mudras are hand gestures used throughout the practice of yoga and meditation. They can help to elevate your practice by focusing the mind but have a plethora of meanings and value to your health. We’ll be exploring some mudras that are a great addition to your yoga and meditation practice or to use on their own. Mudras are typically based in the 5 elements with each finger representing one of the elements. Your thumb represents fire, the index finger air, the middle finger ether or space, your ring finger earth and your pinky represents water. By placing your thumb at the base of each finger you help to stimulate that element or constitution within the body, connecting your thumb and the according finger tip can help bring stability to the element in the body and bringing your thumb to the first knuckle or nail of the finger will decrease the element within the body. As you dive deeper into the study of Ayurved your learn that your body constitution or dosha can have a big impact on your mood, how you approach situations and even approach your diet. Once you know your dosha you can use specific mudras to help elevate to decrease the Dosha’s in your body. I’ll be uploading a later post to learn all about the different dosha’s and how you can determine your body constitution.

Practice of mudras can help direct the flow of energy or prana (life force energy) within the body. Whether you’re looking to increase your energy, rest and relax or relive symptoms for common ailments there’s a mudra for almost everything. Some mudras only involve one hand while others may require both. The idea behind the use of fingers is that the thumb, representing fire, connects to stimulate one or more of the other elements and bodily functions such as digestion, circulatory and respiratory system, immunity, reproduction and overall health and wellness of the body, making this practice truly beneficial on its own or in tandem with yoga or meditation.

In this post I’ll take you through 5 mudras that are easy and safe to incorporate in your everyday routine or whenever you need a pick me up. The great thing about the practice of mudras is that it doesn’t have to be done in a formal setting, you can practice these mudras while standing, sitting, laying down or on the go. I’ve listed recommended time frames for each pose but anytime spent holding these mudras is better than none at all, so add them in wherever and whenever you can. Each mudra represents one of the elements and has significant benefits for the mind and body which will be listed below.


Fire: Surya Mudra

This fire mudra is beneficial for cleansing the body, promotes inspiration and provides a boost in energy. With regular practice of this mudra you can start improve digestion, healthy elimination and promote weight loss by burning excess body fat. This mudra can be done sitting or kneeling as pictured with use of one or both hands. The thumb is brought between the first and second knuckle of your ring finger and held here while the remaining fingers stay extended. You can hold this mudra for up to 45 minutes while focusing on the breath or for shorter intervals of 5-15 minutes.


Air: Chin Mudra

This mudra is probably one of the most recognized mudras and often used in the practice of meditation. Beneficial for calming the body and mind and promoting a feeling of harmony with self and your environment. With consistent use this mudra signals the mind and body to enter a more conscious and meditative state. This mudra can also be used in the practice of yoga as it increases concentration and can help you hold difficult postures for longer periods of time. To hold this mudra you can bring the thumb and index finger together at the tips or as pictured with the thumb pressing onto the nail while the other fingers are left unbent and relaxed. This mudra can be used in your meditation practice or anytime you need to focus the mind.


Ether: Kaleshwara Mudra

This ether mudra assists with eliminating negative or addictive patterns in your life, promotes tranquility and moves negative thoughts out of the mind. Holding this mudra will help you stay grounded in the present moment. While sitting or kneeling hold both hands to join the middle fingers in a steeple pointing downwards while connecting the points of the thumbs and bringing the pointer, ring and pinky fingers together with the backs pressed together and connecting down to the thumbs. This mudra can be held as long as you need.


Earth: Apana Mudra

Apana represents a cleansing energy that moves through the body. This mudra can boost the immune system and cleanse the body of emotional as well as physical impurities or baggage that may be weighing us down. The mudra is also beneficial regulating cleansing cycles of the body including liquid, solid waste and menstruation. You can access this mudra in any position you like and bring the tip of the middle and ring finger down to the thumb. This can be held for up to 45 minutes.


Water: Matsya Mudra

This mudra will work to refresh the body by increasing hydration, relaxing muscles and activates your body’s potential to heal itself. This simple yet beautiful gesture also increases your mental and physical flexibility mirroring the element of water which can easily self adjust. While sitting place your right hand over the left, palms facing down. Allow your thumbs to stick out to the sides wile the remaining fingers come together. This posture can be held for 3- 5 minutes.

I’ll be sharing more posts on basic mudra techniques as well as various mudras to incorporate in your wellness practice.


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