5 Things For Beginning Meditation

Meditation is the most important part of the practice of yoga. Without a deep concentration of breath work and focus of the mind that is required in meditation, we would not be able to engage in some of the most challenging asanas of the practice. Meditation can also be the most intimidating part of the practice. Originally the practice of yoga only consisted of meditation and eventually postures (asanas) were added to increase physical and mental awareness. Here a five tips to help ease you into your practice of meditation.

  1. Release any and all expectations.
    This may sound cliché but it’s the most important thing to keep in mind when practicing meditation. We all have this idea of this transformative and transcendent experience that we hope meditation to be but quite frankly it’s not it. A lot of times we sabotage our practice by maintaining unattainable standards for meditation. We average 80,000 thoughts per minute and about 60,000 of them are negative. The idea of completely shutting off our brains and tuning out the outside world is easier said than done. Do yourself a favor and remove any expectations from what you expect the practice to be and just let it be what it is.

  2. Meditation is a journey not a destination.
    Your meditation practice is going to fluctuate from day-to-day. Whatever hint of enlightenment you hit today may not be there for you tomorrow, so take your practice as it comes. Once you become less focused on the idea of perfection in your practice and allow yourself to really settle into being exactly where you are at that moment you’ll end up taking a lot more away from your experience.

  3. Set the mood.
    Sometimes the right vibe will do everything to elevate your experience, so take the time to create a space that will cultivate relaxation. This can mean lighting some candles, burning some sage, playing the right music, or using color therapy through lighting and clothes. If you have the space it’s helpful to dedicate a special place in your home that’s specifically for your meditation practice, this can help you relax and feel more at ease when trying to relax. Adding plants and crystals can help boost healing vibrations in the space and an aesthetic flare. Props are also really helpful here as well. If you prefer a seated meditation investing in a cozy cushion, blanket or using whatever you have at home can help you further let go and release.


4. Try new things.
There are several types of meditation practice and they aren’t all one size fits most. If you find that seated meditation isn’t your thing get comfortable laying down, try active meditation where you keep your eyes open and become an observer of your surroundings or fire meditation where you promote cleansing within the body by staring at the flame of a candle or fire. You can even meditate while washing the dishes, your practice doesn’t have to be formal or something that just happens when your sitting or laying down. Opportunities for meditation are abundant and the best thing about your personal practice is that you can customize it to best fit your needs.

5. Let your breath be your guide.
Use your breath to keep you tethered to the present moment and view your breath as the anchor to your practice. Without a doubt thoughts, to do lists and what ifs will pop into your mind during your practice, so whenever you find your mind drifting or going in a direction that feels unhealthy or just distracting use your breath as a compass to guide you back to a place of focus, peace and relaxation. Follow the breath in and then out, you can even count the breath and see how many you can count in one sitting. Breath is life and keeps us here in the present moment. Take a minute to breathe deep and enjoy the moment.

These are just a few practices to help you along your journey of meditation. Click back for meditation styles and tips to help develop your practice. 🙏🏽


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