Yin Yoga

Yin yoga is a passive and relaxed practice compared to the more popular yang style practices with more strenuous and active postures. Yin yoga encourages you to settle into postures, mostly laying down and sometimes with the use of props, that invite you to rest within the body, while slightly challenging yourself by finding your “edge”, a place between discomfort and pain. Holding these postures for an extended amount of time (5+ minutes) activates the fascia (connective tissue surrounding your organs) within the body that can hold onto trauma, pain and stress. Yin postures activate healing and rejuvenation within the body by tapping into the parasympathetic nerve system which promotes relaxation by removing us out of fight or flight mode. The practice of Yin yoga is based in Taoism and pulls frequently from the duality understanding of yin (passive, gentle and feminine) and yang (restless, aggressive, masculine) energy. For those who are looking to reduce stress, anxiety and promote joint mobility and flexibility this practice is beneficial to any routine. These classes are especially beneficial to those who have a hard sitting still within their body and thoughts. If you are recovering from injuries this practice will help to increase your range of motion and promote flexibility within the body.


I Love You So Matcha!


Vinyasa Flow